Motherhood Is Hard, But It Will Get Better

Mother kissing baby boy on the cheek

If you’re a mama struggling during your postpartum, this is for you.  

Because sometimes, it can be so hard to see the positive side of things. 

How can we appreciate the little moments - to be present, a source of comfort and safety, a well of joy and happiness - when we cannot find the same in ourselves.  

Postpartum mood disorders can rob us of our time…

Our energy… 

Our strength… 

Our motivation… 

Motherhood is hard. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And most importantly, your journey is your own. It doesn’t need to match up to anyone else’s.  

Of course, it’s hard not to compare. It seems like everyone else’s baby is sleeping through the night, and yet, you're up at all hours, 24/7. 

It seems like breastfeeding is coming so naturally to other women, and yet, you struggle to pump an ounce. 

Other mothers seem to adjust seamlessly to this stage of life, but it’s hard for you to accept that everything has changed. Instead of joy, you feel sad, like you’ve lost a huge part of yourself. 

This is a lot. 

Motherhood is a lot. 

And it’s okay to not love it right now. Because this is often the side of motherhood we rarely speak about…

But we promise you that it does get better.  

You will feel whole again. 

Here are 6 promises that all postpartum mamas need to hear:  

1. It will get easier  

As your baby gets older, and you begin to adjust to life as a new mom, you’ll find that some things get easier. 

It won’t always be perfect. 

Some days will be harder than others. 

Some days you’ll feel great. 

And others, it takes all your strength to make it to bedtime. 

It will get easier. 

Different challenges will present themselves, but with time, you’ll learn to adjust and adapt. 

Just as you’ve already been doing. 

2. You will sleep again  

Sleepless nights are just the worst! 

In fact, it’s some of the loneliest times during motherhood. 

When you feel like you’re awake when no one else in the world is.  

When you can’t seem to figure out what will comfort the baby enough to help them sleep more than 30 minutes stretches at a time. 

When you want to do is pull your hair out because the tiredness you feel is so heavy, you don’t know how you’ll make it through the next day. 

Mama, we’ve been there, too. 

You will sleep again.  

These sleepless nights do not last forever. 

Your baby is learning how to sleep, and you’re learning what helps them fall asleep. And this takes time.

Some nights, you’ll get those glorious few hours of sleep, and others, none at all. 

Lean on your support system. Ask for time to rest.

If your village is limited right now, or you find yourself lacking help at home, nap when baby naps.  

I know… super cliche. But it’s true. We know you’ll want to seize the opportunity to get things done or to simply do something that belongs only to you.  

But rest is so damn important. It resets you. Do not neglect this. 

3. You will find your rhythm as a mom  

Those early newborn days is a humbling experience. You realize that as much as you thought you had prepared, it wasn’t nearly enough. 

You’re frazzled, unable to think clearly. On top of that, you’re sleep-deprived and still adjusting to motherhood. 

Your emotions are over the place, making you feel sad, happy, frustrated and everything else during the sun. 

But you will find your rhythm. 

It takes time, a lot of trial-and-error, and most of all, patience. 

Give yourself the grace and kindness you need to get there at your own speed. 

You will find what works for you - a routine so precious you can’t imagine life without it and you’d do anything to protect it. 

4. You will feel like yourself again  

Identity. It’s the one thing most women struggle with when becoming moms. 

Who am I now? 

What will life look like from here on out? 

These are insanely big questions.  

But you don’t have to answer these right away. 

Take it day by day.  

And soon, you’ll find yourself laughing again, enjoying the things that made you smile.  

You will feel like you again.  

And not only that, you’ll feel stronger and better than you have before. 

5. You will love and appreciate your body  

Another struggle that most postpartum women go through: accepting the body in the mirror that looks so unfamiliar.  

Just remember that your body is the site of a miracle.  

It worked so hard to nurture your growing baby.  

And it works hard even now. 

To recover from childbirth. 

To give essentials to your newborn (not to mention all the complications of breastfeeding). 

To carry on despite the exhaustion you feel.  

You might not recognize yourself - or the way your body looks - right now, but you will. 

You’ll see all that it has done for you and so much more. 

6. You will find time for yourself again 

It can seem like all our time is devoted to the care of others. 

Our needs essentially get placed on the back-burner. 

Mothers-to-be have several prenatal appointments prior to childbirth. 

And yet, only 1 (maybe 2) for postpartum wellness.  

It’s easy to feel neglected, like an afterthought. 

But we promise you’ll find your alone time again. 

To refresh and recharge. 

To restore the balance in you. 

Because YOU time is important, never selfish. 

This is your self-care so that you can approach motherhood with a full heart. 


At Bloome, we are dedicated to mothers-to-be and women in their postpartum period. 

Because we know how hard motherhood can be… 

How emotional the experience really is…

And just how overwhelming… 

But we’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it:

You’re not alone. 

We are here to support you through every stage of this journey. 

As mothers ourselves, we know how tough it can be to reach out for help when you know deep inside you need extra support. Mothers rarely say, “I’m depressed.” 

It’s usually an instinctive feeling that something isn’t quite right.  

We’re right there with you. 

So here’s what we can do to help. We’re offering FREE consultations.   

And you can get this here

Support is right where you need it. And it’s here for you now.  

Because to take care of yourself means taking care of your entire family.  

Take care, mama. 

-Team Bloome